Returns policy

30 day money back guarantee

You can return items within 30 days of receipt under the following conditions:

Return Conditions

  • The Stix must be returned within 30 days of receipt.

  • The product must be in its original condition and undamaged.

  • If the item is returned damaged, or not in the original packaging, a charge may be applied at the company’s discretion to compensate for the loss im value. Stix Mindfulness reserves the right to withhold refunds if the items are damaged and in an unsellable condition.

How to Return Your Item

  1. Download the Returns Form – Include the completed form in your return parcel.

  2. Notify Us – Email to inform us of your return.

  3. Ship the Item – You are responsible for covering the return shipping costs.

Processing Your Refund

  • Once we receive your return, we will inspect the item.

  • If approved, the refund will be processed within 7 days.

  • The refund will be issued to your original payment method unless you request otherwise.

For any questions, feel free to contact us at